How To Install The Post Agent Software (8-Step Guide)

Published On: 26-Feb-2019

Every agent that visits the Department of Post website knows how difficult it can be to create lots every month. Many agents try to put it off because it is a tedious task that requires a lot of attention and time. One mistake can waste all the time you have spent, and the website doesn’t make it any easier for the agents. You have to go to all individual accounts manually and then select the pages under it.

The most frustrating thing is that each time a new account is added/removed, the page numbers change and hence, you may have to save these new page numbers with you every time this happens. All this is extremely tedious and tiring. A great solution to the problem is our DOP software. Our software is specially made to overcome all these problems you face while working on the website. We try to make your life easier by reducing the manual work you have to do. On top of that, our software doesn't hang up like the Post India website and if you face any internet issues, all your data will be saved and you won’t have to do everything again each time.

How To Install The Post Agent Software

You can download the DOP Software by following these steps

  1. Go to an internet browser and open the DOP website -
  2. On the top right corner of the website, you will see a Free Download button. Click the button.
  3. You will see a pop-up box appear once you click on the button. On the pop-up, you will have to enter details like the name of the agent, mobile number, DOP ID and the number of accounts you have. Make sure you enter a mobile number that is working and is with you. Click the submit button once you have entered the details.
  4. Another pop-up will appear. Here you will have to enter the OTP code received on the mobile number mentioned. Once you enter the right OTP, the software will start downloading.
  5. You will be able to see this download on the bottom left corner of your browser. Once the RD tool installer is downloaded, it will be saved on your laptop and you can open the installer from here.
  6. You can install the software by clicking on more information button on the screen and then pressing the run anyway button.
  7. This will start the installation process. Keep clicking on the Next button and finally when the install process is complete press on the install and then the finish button.
  8. After clicking on finish, the software will open automatically in the form of an excel sheet.

This means you have successfully installed the software.

Uploading Your Details From The Website To The Software

Once the software is installed, the master excel sheet will open. 

  • This sheet will prompt you to upload all the account details from your account on the website and save them to the software.
  • You can click okay to allow the software to do the same.
  • Once you press okay, you will be asked to enter your DOP id and password.
  • Once you enter the details, the software will take you to your account and then save all the account numbers and details from your list and save it to the master sheet list (this list can be seen on the software)
  • As soon as you press okay all your accounts will be saved. It will show you the number of accounts you have so that you can cross-check for any defaults.
  • Every account will also be assigned a shortcode. You can use this shortcode whenever you want details regarding the account, and you won’t have to remember the entire 10 digit account number each time.

How To Use The Software

Everything regarding the software can be done on the excel sheet you have open in front of you. 

Making Lots On the Excel Sheet- The main function of this sheet is to make lots for you. You can make up to 10 lots simultaneously. You can do the same by following these steps:

  1. To make one lot, you can enter the respective account number under the first lot column.
  2. As soon as you press enter, a small information box will appear.
  3. This box shows details regarding the account like name, installment paid till now and the shortcode.
  4. On the right side of the account number, you will see the number of installments you are paying. This number is generally one.
  5. For the next account, if you put the shortcode instead of the entire account number, you will see similar details.
  6. Once you fill the cells below the first lot column with all the accounts you have, you will see the total installment amount is updated on the left side of the sheet. This will show the total amount to be paid for these accounts.

In this sheet, different coloured cells will indicate different things. If your total installment cell is coloured red that means you have exceeded the total limit. You might have to remove some accounts under this. 

Check out our ultimate guide on DOP Agent Software tutorial.

Similarly, if your lots column has any cell coloured yellow, this means that there might be a default on this account. Default means that you have not paid the last installment for this account before the due date. Sometimes when an installment is still pending after the due date, the system might prompt you to pay 2 installment; one for the default and another for the coming month. You can also manually change the number of installments you wish to pay. 

If any cell is coloured blue it means that you are making an installment in advance. This tells you that you still have sufficient time to make the payment, but it is always helpful to make payments a little in advance.

Once you have dealt with all this and made the entries, you can go ahead and click on the Start And Take A Walk Button on the left side of the sheet. Clicking on this button will take you to the browser and automatically open your account. All the account numbers you have added will be automatically selected and you can directly make the installment. Once this is done, you will receive a report with individual balances, defaults if any and other details. 

On the other hand, your excel sheet will show the accounts that have been processed by the website in green colour. While the process is going on, you can go ahead and complete any other work you may have. By the end of it, all the cells with accounts should be shown in green.

Additional Functions Of The Software

The software allows you to do multiple things with ease. It allows you to change the name of the agent on the sheet. You can also print copies of the lots you have created. Just make sure that every time you make changes to the accounts or lots, you press on the save preferences cell to prompt the software to save your details. 

You can open your master list directly from the software which will show you the necessary details of all accounts. You can also update your master list by clicking on the update master list cell.

Other things you can do on the sheet is calculate maturity for specific accounts, check old defaulters, advance paid accounts, generate daily summaries as well as monthly summaries. You can also click on the first half pending cell to view the accounts that have installments to paid in the first half and similarly clicking on the second half pending cell will show you the accounts with installments due from the 15th of the month to the 31st.

The only way to actually learn and understand the software is to actually download it and start using it. This guide is just to make your life easy, but you won’t actually fully understand the process until you install the software and start working on it.

Basic Reads For Post Office Agents:

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